I was born to the earth family and while still lingering on my mother’s breast, I was dished out into the world to make a mark for myself, determin my age, find my identity and give myself a name.
After all this years of being dished out, my aging Earth parents while enjoying their cup of tea decided to send out exploration teams to find their lost children and to see how they a going. Their eldest children became the exploration team to search and administer their smaller siblings. Yeh and they found me, drifting alone under the blue sky plotting my every move as the Southern Cross became my GPS.
One of my elder brother, Germany found me in 1884 and established a permanent presence and declared a protectorate over my northern coast while my other elder brother, Britian took similar action over my southern coast. The two elder brothers later combined their administrative rules of both the northern and southern coast and in 1906 handed me over to a close brother of mine named Australia.
Australia had a eight bedroom house and he let me stayed in one of the rooms after Germany and Britian gave me away. I had to live by the rules of the eight bedroom house and that means that if Australia said bedtime is 8pm, I have to close my eye by 8pm sharp. While still living with Australia I was fortunate to be given self governance in December 1973. The power of my self governances only extends within the walls of my bedroom but not into the kitchen, shower room, living room and the backyard of the eight bedroom house that Australia had at that time.
Over time, my self governance energy became so strong and my room became so small for my size that I decided to tell Australia on the 16th of September 1975 that I am now a mature adult and I want to move out of the house. Australia was comfortable with my decision and allowed me to move out but he said “have you already found a house for yourself to stay?”, I replied with a smile and said, “Yes, I have found a four bedroom house and guess what?, “I have named my four bedrooms by names – Island, Highlands, Momase and Southern and my Name is now Papua New Guinea.
My dual name results from my complex growing up before my menhood. The word papua is derived from pepuah, a Malay word describing the frizzy Melanesian hair, and "New Guinea" (Nueva Guinea) was the name coined by the Spanish explorer Yñigo Ortiz de Retez, who in 1545 noted the resemblance of my people to those he had earlier seen along the Guinea coast of Africa.
Today, 35 years on my inhabitants call me home and cherish me with all their hearts. The day 16th of September 2010 was marked with celebration through songs and dances to the tune of my local melodies.
And the PNG community based in Perth, Western Australia was no exception. They celebrated this day with traditional dances, string band performances and fun activities for both children and parents. No matter where we are, how small we may be, the power of unity still realises in our cele
The National Pledge
We the people of Papua New Guinea
Pledge ourselves, united in one Nation
We pay homeage to our cultural heritage
The source of our strength
We pledge to build a democratic society
Based on justice, equality, respect
And prosperty for our people
We pledge to stand together as
One people, One Nation One Country
God Bless Papua New Guinea